Solar Grill

8:39 AM

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Are you still looking to an Eco friendly and enjoyable outdoor grill? Our factory has exported a lot during past 3 years.

Let's schedule a quick chat through email or wechat  readygo2014  so we can discuss more.

Looking forward to our conversation!

Kind Regards,

Eva Zhu

Product  Manager


Impress your friends and cook a brackish meal on the highest peak of the mountain or in the deepest valleys of the forest with a solarium! 

Here, neither charcoal nor lighter fluid is needed, instead the food is prepared in the solar cooker only with the help of the sun's rays.
The lighter remains at home at the hall office and the barbecue briquettes can hardly be ignited with the power of thought alone. When your party gets hangry and complains of a rumbling stomach, it's lucky you packed your sun kitchen instead of the usual barbecue equipment! In the solar kitchen, you cook everything from sausages and chicken to rice and pasta in an environmentally friendly way with the help of the sun's power.

A solar kitchen is the ultimate accessory on the hike, excursion or in the prep store. The food is placed inside the solar cooker's vacuum tube, which then heats up and prepares the food through vacuum,  reflectors and the sun's rays so that you can enjoy a heavenly dinner wherever you are. Definitely a must for the person who wants to live an environmentally friendly and worry-free outdoor life fully, completely without lighter fluid and a bitter smell of smoke.

When the destination has been reached and the grill is to be started, you can feel how the sweat slowly begins to creep down the spine. 


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